
【看英文中國郵報學英文】法國的交換學生Tony在返回巴黎前兩天跑去刺了一個台北101紋身,大概是史上最酷、也絕對是會最持久的紀念品了!Perhaps one of the coolest and definitely long-lasting souvenir from Taiwan, French exchange student Tony F. got a tattoo of Taipei 101 just two days before he heads home to Paris!Tony,二十三歲,從2019年八月起在國立臺北科技大學讀了五個月的國際企業管理。Tony, 23, studied international business administration at National Taipei University of Technology (國立臺北科技大學) for five months, starting in August 2019.在與英文中國郵報的獨家訪談中,Tony說這是他這輩子第一個紋身。紋身過程總共花了三個小時。This is his first tattoo ever, and it took three hours to complete, Tony told The China Post in an exclusive interview.在離開台灣前,他想要「一個足夠代表台北和台灣,但不會太主流」的東西。Prior to his departure, he wanted “something representative of Taipei and Taiwan, yet nothing too mainstream.”Taipei Tattoo Piercing 的紋身藝術家Ujo為Tony發想了幾款設計,包含台灣地圖、還有「台北101」的字樣。Tattoo artist Ujo at Taipei Tattoo Piercing offered him several ideas, including the shape of Taiwan or Taipei 101 in writing (not the whole building which he ended up getting).Tony在訪談中表示,一開始想要的是比較隨性的、並且不會太過起眼的設計,但最後決定台北101是最具有象徵意義的。Tony said that he was looking for something more casual and discreet at first, but in the end, he decided that Taipei 101 is the best symbol to remember Taiwan.如同許多愛上這個副熱帶島嶼的人,Tony說台灣人非常親切、有禮貌,再加上台灣地理位置優越,讓他能夠在亞洲四處旅行,所達之處包含越南、日本、韓國和菲律賓。Like many who found themselves falling in love with the subtropical island, Tony said that Taiwanese are really kind and polite, also its geographical advantage allowed him to travel extensively in Asia, including Vietnam, Japan, Korea, and the Philippines.更多 ChinaPost 新聞 Exclusive|Coolest souvenir ever: a Taipei 101 tattoo! 都蘭國小包 紅到法國巴黎時尚周|Dulan Elementary schoolbag spotted at Paris Fashion Week 鹿港桂花巷走春 滿天都是亮晶晶彩色糖果 | CNY celebrations: Colorful lanterns light up Lugang old town

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